I am practicing Gyan Mudra from last 30 years and found several benefits from it in my health. I thought to share my some experiences with you so it may benefit to you at some point of life.
In my days of studies,
I have issue of lack of concentration while studying. Normally mind starts thinking of something else while reading science or languages. At same time, I normally forget the things at the time of examination.
My grandfather told me to do Gyan Mudra, and to my surprise after doing this for 9 months, my both issues got resolved.
Thereafter, I never left to practice this Mudra till now. In my office work, I work constantly on PC for 6-7 hours at a stretch. Because of Gyan Mudra, I never suffered from Syringomelia, which is common now-a-days in 60% of desktop users.
Steps to do:
Sit in any comfortable position and touch tip of your index finger with tip of your thumb as shown in picture from 20 - 30 minutes as one is comfortable during the period of sunrise or sunset.
The rest of the finger should be held straight and parallel to each other.
Ensure that your back is held straight and your chest and head are help up high.
Rest your hands on your knees with your palms facing upwards.
Close your eyes and focus on your breath and practice this mudra with both hands.